
About Me

My name is Andrea, I am currently a policy analyst for the federal government and I was born and raised in Stittsville, Ontario. I lived in Toronto for 4 years where I earned my BA in Fine Arts (specifically playwriting and new play dramaturgy) at York University in 2003. After graduation, I moved back to Ottawa and made good use of my theatre degree by working in the medical and dental insurance field. In the time that I was employed there, I met my now-common law husband, Wayne. After being together for just over 2 years, we learned we were having a baby.

Then...we found out we were actually having TWO babies. Then we found out we were having a boy and a girl.

Now, Rayna and Seth are growing into toddlerhood and I am cataloguing everything that I can in hopes of keeping my friends and family up to date, as well as being a resource to others who are in the same boat and need to share, vent, laugh, solicit ideas, cope and triumph.  If you are a parent of twins, triplets, etc. then you definitely have to have a sense of humour to keep up with it all.