
Monday, February 21, 2011

The celebrity factor

Most people who have twins or more know what I'm talking about when I say that having multiples will make you famous.

To this day, I cannot take the twins anywhere without getting stopped by someone, asking if they're twins. Then when I say yes, they kind of gawk and look at me like they just realized that I'm Kate Gosselin.

I guess I can understand the novelty...omg! Two babies that are the exact same age! Yay! But I confess that I can't really get into it. I feel kinda horrible admitting this, but I get kind of crusty whenever people call attention to us. At first it was cute and I loved that people crowded around my kids. Now I zoom through the grocery store so fast that the twins must be a singular blur to the naked eye. I don't really enjoy unsolicited attention...I think I subconsciously associate it with tripping in front of a crowd or discovering that I had a piece of pizza stuck to my face throughout a meeting.

I remember last summer, we were driving through Carp and Wayne had to stop to buy a pop somewhere. When he was heading back to the car, a woman from out of nowhere exclaimed "Are those twins in the back of your car???" I told Wayne afterwards that he should have just barked "NO! F&ck off!!!" and gotten in the car, but we reasoned that it would just cause delays and lessons in public etiquette.

Oh well. I guess it's just something that happens. Just don't come and touch my kids. That's awkward and I don't want to pretend that I'm worried about them getting sick when actually I'm just freaked out about strangers touching my kids. Nothing personal.

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